Thursday, June 24, 2010

Proper Artificial Lighting For A Freshwater Aquarium

Proper lighting is one of the essential elements for a balanced underwater ecosystem. Technically termed as photosynthesis, it is equally important to organisms like fish and other aquatic animals to produce food. Freshwater aquarium requires specific kind of light so that fish may live longer. Some may require minimum lighting; others prefer intense lighting so the application of lighting to the aquarium is another thing to be serious about.

There is a number of artificial lighting available in the market today that can be used to brighten your fish tanks. Every aquarium has special features that require specific kind of lighting therefore each aquarium requires different type of lighting.

Incandescent bulbs generally are not advisable for fish water tanks because of its low luminosity and high energy consumption. It tends to get hot too quickly fish may die due to sudden change of heat therefore it is not efficient to use.

Fluorescent bulbs on the other hand are the most used type of lighting option because of its relatively high luminosity and low energy consumption. Fluorescent lamps are truly favorable for the freshwater aquarium since they can be readily available at all times.

Metal halide lamps are considered to be a better lighting alternative for freshwater aquarium because of its intense lighting. Its light so in tensed that can be compared to the actual sun light making it appropriate for a busy marine ecosystem. Metal halide lamps are notably expensive and a bit hard to maintain.

What is the appropriate type of lighting to use?

There are a number of factors to deal with before deciding which type of artificial lighting to use. The most basic one is to consider the general condition and the specification of the aquarium these things when combined together will constitute the total well being of marine life inside your aquarium.

Take into consideration the population inside the aquarium, depth of the water and the entirety of the fish tank.

In an aquarium where there are only fish present on it medium lighting maybe applied. It is not necessary to apply intense lighting to aquariums of this type. Usually minimum wattage requirement is 2-3 watts per tank gallon. The quality of lighting may vary according to the number of population. The more fish you have then more lighting can be applied to accommodate them all.

Fish tanks with fish and live plants added on it requires intense lighting. The more intense the lighting is the better it would be. 4 watts per tank gallon should be the minimum wattage for these types of tanks. The bigger the water tank is the more lights should be shared with. Be cautious to note that there are some kinds of marine life requiring specific type of luminosity. Learn techniques and information from the experts to properly address this concern.

It is suggested that once in a while you perform light simulation wherein you regulate the light of your freshwater aquarium the same way as the sun lights. It must be brightly lighted the whole day while turned it off the whole night. This will bring good effects to fish from getting too stressed in an artificial aquatic environment. Simulating the lights will make fish feel they actually lived in their natural habitat.

Freshwater aquarium is a fun hobby that involves a generous amount of discipline and responsibilities. Just like any other jobs or hobbies freshwater aquarium has its distinct characteristics and needs that should be given preferential attention. With the hints cited above about proper artificial lighting keeping a freshwater aquarium at home can be the most rewarding experience you can truly have.

For more great information on freshwater aquarium lighting visit the site.
Wilson is an aquarium enthusiast and loves to share his secrets on Freshwater Aquarium. For more great information on freshwater aquarium keeping, visit

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