Friday, July 10, 2015

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

Kacer Bird Pot Rooster Sound Beauty Animals

How to Care Birds Chatter That Sounds Continue
Kacer bird is a bird fighter which at present is more popular in kalangang the chirping of mania, so the price is slightly increased, in addition to the birds kacer also has a very melodious voice and very tasty listened to so many who take care of at home.

Kacer birds are more popular in Indonesia there are two types of the Birds black kacer or better known as Java kacer by the chirping of mania that both are kacer lifeboats (pot) or better known dngan designation Sumatra kacer there is also a call to kacer Priangan.

That is little discussion about kacer for more lengapnya we continued later at the next opportunity, and for this post om-gacor will try to give Bird Care Tips kacer Let gacor following tips.

This is the outline of surefire tips to tame kacer pot or black kacer are as follows:
1. If the birds remain visible stress, exiled first place that was quiet until the bird seemed comfortable in the cage.

2. Bathe kacer orderly manner ( morning / afternoon ) until soaked.
3. Attain a bird in a situation of hunger and love of cricket wearing extra fooding hand . If the birds do not dare to peck crickets , teach slowly with the help of a stick . Then turn off the crickets in the store at the end of the stick. Then we give it to the birds . For starters , perhaps could use a long stick . Then gradually wear stick middle , short and tested by hand directly .

4. Stay away from pengerodongan except at night .
5. Bushel in a crowded area crossed by people . The bird to family or colleagues who have stalls in the traditional market . By hanging the market, generally within 1 month , kacer pot or kacer young black forest will quickly adjust to the environment .
6. Hanging in a low area ( as a reference perhaps be 1 meter above ground level ) .

Basic bath to stabilize lust / emotions , so basically we get used kacer tersb at least 1x bath
every day . other effects of the bath is slightly reduce fatigue kacer and reduce emotion. But many also are less ngedur bathing kacer The kacer how many days is that his lust rose due to heat body.

Tip : om prefer to bathe kacer at night , this one solution also to reduce / eliminate bloating, good using cold water At the time that we give EF bathing and cleaning cage.

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