Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Choosing the Best Live Freshwater Aquarium Plants

When setting up your aquarium, it is very important to reproduce the fish's natural habitat, to ensure that they are healthy and can breed. An easy way to do this is by choosing freshwater aquarium plants that the particular species of fish would probably live around in the wild.

Live freshwater aquarium plants, hence, are the most suitable choice and there many different types that you can choose from. Depending on what kind of fish you buy, you can include floating plants in your aquarium, which will not only add to the tank's beauty but will also provide the fish with a great place to hide. Floating freshwater aquarium plants include Fairy Moss and Riccia.

Using Rhizomes is also a good way of incorporating freshwater aquarium plants into your aquarium, as these generally grow upwards and its roots spread on the gravel. These roots hence give the look of a lush green carpet spread over the bottom of your tank. The most commonly known varieties of Rhizomes are anubias and the African Fern.

In addition to looking gorgeous in the tank, they are also very easy to plant, as these plants attach to any piece of wood or large stones in your tank. As the Rhizomes grow, there shoots expand horizontally, they produce leaves, as well and eventually covers most of the aquarium. This gives your fish the perfect hiding spots.

Another commonly known freshwater aquarium plant is the rosette. They are said to look like crowns. These also cover the entire aquarium by the branching of their shoots. Sometimes, these plants, including the Amazon Sword and Sagittaria, also produce lovely flowers.

One of the most commonly found aquarium plants is the stems. As ordinary as the name may sound, these miraculous plants grow from the nodes of a single stem. This trait is also the origin of the plants name. The roots of the stem are firmly rooted in the gravel and the stem rises upwards. The stem also has leaves, which can be either individual or in pairs and on rare occasions having multiple leaves.

Java Moss is another freshwater aquarium favorite and it is sometimes known as the java fern. The java fern will make a great tank starter plant. Because of its nature to survive in a range of pH and is not particularly sensitive to all kinds of water.

Algae are the worst enemy of a dedicated aquarium keeper. It not only destroys the clear look of your tank, but also has more far-reaching and threatening consequences. Being a living creature, algae has a respiratory system and needs oxygen to survive; therefore, it consumes the vital oxygen content of the water. The best possible solution to this problem is to choose between two plants known as Water Wisteria and Plectomus. These two freshwater aquarium plants are 'algae-eaters' and help keep the algae content in your tank to a minimum.

If you are searching for one special plan, try cryptocoryne becketti. This plant comes with a potential of growing both on land and underwater. What makes this plant a real hit is the fact that it is available in a range of exceptional colors.

Amazon sword is another good option to consider for those who are searching for a popular aquarium plant. Echinodorus bleheri is its technical name and it is popular for its easy maintenance. As it grows fast and does not ask for a lot of care, it is the right choice for someone who has just setup a freshwater aquarium for the first time.

The fact of the matter is that live plants add to the visual delight of your fresh water aquarium. No doubt, you have to put in more effort to take care of these live plants, but they also allow you to reap several amazing benefits. So, get them and make your fish feel extremely comfortable.

Don Hill is a Freshwater Aquarium enthusiast. For more information on Freshwater Aquariums Visit
More on Freshwater Aquarium Live Plants.

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